Safety codes are always changing, for good reason. Common sense practices today may not have been in use a decade ago. For instance, states are now focusing on engine emissions and generator exhaust discharges more so than they did before. FM Generator is offering customers solutions to meet emission regulations by adapting the current codes to old generator applications.
The New Jersey juvenile detention facility in the photograph originally had the engine exhaust discharge out the side of the building, blowing into the parking lot. The thinking was that the generator system only ran during testing, which was before working hours and during an emergency. But today there are more power outages than a decade ago and people are much more conscious about sound and air pollution. The customer asked FM Generator to help solve their problem.
FM solved the problem by incorporating Massachusetts codes into the New Jersey facility. In Massachusetts generator exhaust systems are discharged vertically and ten feet above the roof of the facility. This nearly eliminates exhaust noise at ground levels. The exhaust emissions are discharged over a wider area so that they not concentrated at ground levels. FM technicians with expertise in exhaust modification re-routed the detention centers generator exhaust by turning the discharge upward and adding an extension pipe along with a rain cap.
In addition to offering retrofit solutions for existing generators, FM Generator service technicians also work with and support the clean air regulations by performing Preventative Maintenance during specified times. Generators may not run during the day for a period of the year, particularly in New Jersey. We test our customer’s equipment and set exercise timers to run the equipment during allotted time slots, thus meeting and supporting the new emission regulations.
Call 800-253-6617 or email sales@fmgenerator.com today for more information on how we can help you meet new emission requirements and regulations.
FM updates exhaust system at New Jersey state facility